The Approach

Regain physical, emotional and mental balance
Conscience du corps

Developing awareness of ‘’the body that we are’’

Emotional gymnastics® (EG) is a somatic approach. The Greek word ‘’Soma’’ means a living or sensitive body. It cultivates a holistic vision of the person, taking into account all the dimensions that compose it (the physical structure, the emotions, sensations and thoughts) and connects them in an inseparable whole.

The practice of EG® makes it possible to establish a relationship between our body, space, and our inner reality. By becoming aware of how different parts of our body move in space, we discover our neuromuscular organization. Indeed, from the day of our birth, by responding to family and social pressures, our body shaped itself by adapting to the accumulated tensions. When certain muscles become rigid or become dead zones, we inhabit our body in a piecemeal way. This can cause discomfort, muscle stiffness, constant fatigue and sometimes even depression.

Fortunately, we have the ability to change and free ourselves! Even if our muscles are rigid and deformed, they remain malleable.

The small movements, adapted to the exact physiology of our muscles, the Emotional Gymnastics® approach, without ever straining, will allow the release of muscular rigidities.

The movements will restore suppleness and vigour to shortened or atrophied muscles.

Thus, session after session, the muscles recover their mobility and their power. The joints unlock and return to their ideal axis, while breathing becomes ample and natural. We may find relief from many ailments (migraines backaches, digestive problems, insomnia, osteoarthritis, arthritis, fibromyalgia and many others).

The practice of EG allows us to restore osteoarticular and muscular balance, hence achieving physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

Below are two photos of a character who was modeled by the same person. The first one on the left, she modeled it in the first session in EG® and the other on the right in the tenth session. As you can see, there is a difference between these. The last, is better defined, it is obvious that she has developed the awareness of her body and to live better.
personnages modelés en argile

The posterior muscle chain

We have tremendous strength in our body, it is located behind, in the back. It is call the posterior muscle chain (PMC). Unlike the front muscles, those located behind are all placed in the same sense and fit together, one on the other, like the tiles of a roof. This chain of muscles starts at he top of the cranium and extends all along the nape of neck, shoulders, back, buttocks, legs, right down to the toes.

Day and night, they are submitted to a tone that inevitably shorts them. Especially since in everyday life all our gestures make permanent demands on theirs tone quality. Also, the weight of our problems is carried on right there on our backs.

We cannot avoid the effects of time and its incidents, but if we submit to them without taking care of our PMC, this chain will inevitably be squeezed under its accumulated stiffness. Joint deviations will be felt, vertebrae will deviate from their axis and functional lesions may appear : osteoarthritis, tendonitis, disc hernia, lumbago, sprains, etc. The body will be deformed, and normal aging will be blamed for all the pain, discomfort and prevention of sound energy flow. This is real ignorance! We can, if we wish, by practising EG restore length and tone balance to the retracted muscles of the posterior muscle chain.

In EG® sessions, I encourage people to take care of their posterior muscle chain in order to prevent irreversible conditions.

loge de la gymnastique émotionnelle

Contact practitioners

They will be happy to help you discover the benefits of EG®.

la praticienne Martine Veilleux

Martine Veilleux

EG® Practitioner

Tél: 514-231-4459
photo de Sylvie Brodeur

Sylvie Brodeur

EG® Practitioner

Tél.: 514-826-6835
la praticienne Manon Larivée

Manon Larivée

EG® Practitioner

Tél.: 514-262-4458

Farida Zerar

EG® Practitioner

Tél.: 438-875-2244

About us

The Martine Veilleux Center was created in the early 1990 by Martine Veilleux, graduate in Somatic Educator from Québec University (UQAM) and founder of EG®.

This center provides ÉG® sessions and trains practitioners in this body method.